Thursday, March 31, 2011

senandung 2

alhamdulillah diberi kesempatan utk ulang kaji UNGS2040 (Islam, Knowledge & Civilization) ptg td di bilik 'kak seha', di compartment fiqa...

sbb study d bilik org adalah kerana saya telah syahid di meja study pg td...hehhee..
makanya merantaulah...

apabila sedang baca bab civilization, terlintas dlm hati,
"di mnakah sebenarnya kedudukan kita sekarang?"

different people have different opinion, so, lets our mind determine it...

let's take a look....

causes of RISE of Muslim Civilization:
  • spiritual power - Muslim spread the word of Allah
  • ability to transform the ideals of the Quran to daily conduct
  • intellectual freedom - teaching people to think creatively and critically
  • political freedom, equality between the ruler and the ruled
  • openness - learn from human experience
  • the spirit of seeking knowledge
causes of DECLINE:

  • tribalism
  • ethnocentrism
  • sectarianism
  • obsession with power or restige
  • striving for power - seeking help from enemies
  • revolutions or insurgencies here and there
  • moral decadence
  • dictatorship/ political injustice
  • weakness of central authority
  • academic decline
  • the ignorance of samll sins
  • committing the great sin by individual as well as the leader of the society
  • oppression and persecution (zulm)
what do you think???
our thinking is less important than how we can eliminate those 'diseases'..
am i right??

p/s: rasa terpukul gila bila part 'spirit of seeking knowledge'...hmm...thats the biggest problem i think among us as youngsters today..

so, sila sambung belajar dgn lebih gigih dan betulkan niat!

p/s: dunno when the exact date to go back home sweet home yet! sighhh...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

senandung 1

apabila hendak melakukan sesuatu...perlu ada persediaan...betul??

jd, utk stay up makanya orang itu telah membeli Neslo...sedap bukan?? thumbs up guys!

ok, then...

kesilapan yg di sengajakan...dinner dgn nasi lemak sambal kerang..

hmmm kesudahannya aku parah (lirik lagu ^_^)

lepas mkn mata dh x larat nak angkat...ngantok...

Neslo telah dikalahkan oleh nasi lemak sambal kerang...!

apa nak buat??

main sana sini dgn mcm2 perasaan! hahahaha...
(boleh ketawa lg skrg..esok?? no idea)

11 p.m....

baru mula buka buku...

therefore, selamat berstay-up utk orang itu..!!

tp jgn melampaui fitrah...tido itu perlu !

selamat exam semua...!
semoga kita semua dipermudahkan urusan dunia & akhirat, insyaAllah..amin...

Monday, March 21, 2011

March 2011

terlalu bnyk perkara berlaku dlm bln mac tahun ni...hmm kalau nk citer pnjg + lebar + tinggi + ect lah in short, dlm point2 sudah...juz for kenangan di kemudian hari, insyaAllah...
  • alhamdulillah...yeeehhhaaaa! hahhaa...sgt lega + syukur + happy bila dpt result CM tempoh hari..x engat exact tarikh..but, what a relief you know...when you pass the mid-term paper for a KILLER Subject people name it..eventhough x score sgt tp sgt best perasaan tika itu..ngeee ~_^...mdm say during fourth quiz which is after the result came out, " 1st time you guys don't ask 4 extra time provided submited early that the time given..surprise! you guys got confident or what after got your paper back, ha?" ^_*
  • 18 mac, cik yong (sepupu rapat) alhamdulillah telah selamat di akad nikahkan dgn pasangannya.. barakAllahu a'laikum wa a'laina...semoga kekal bahagia ke syurga, amin..^_^
  • 19 mac, final presentation for Leadership Skill this smester (main reason why i cannot go to the wedding but sure there is something behind it..^_^)...fuhhh lega! hilang sgala tension2 slama 10 minggu ngadap class ni...bkn apa, cuma cara conduct class to x brpa bagus... learn something is rather important improve next time, insyaAllah.. the judges is Okey after all..not so scary! i can laugh.. ngee^_~
  • 21 mac, received somekind of gift from my lecturer as an appreciation & motivation to perform well in exam, studying & life after that...insyaAllah...thanks madam! ^_^
  • 23 mac, good luck to all SPM candidates (btol ke candidate?..apa2 lah kan) my adik2 from SMK Miharja & SMART, insyaAllah semoga dikurniakan keputusan yg terbaik utk korg, famili korang, and agama.. (masih terimbau bagaimana dasyatnya perasaan before nk g amik result...gugugugu)
ada bnyk lg bnda yg berlaku tp dh x berapa engat...huhuhuuu...

now, still struggling to finish up 2 assignment which are MIS and DS...khamis ni ada last Group exercise for CM...hope for the better...^_^

p/s: four week to go before landed again on Langkawi...huhuhu...home where the heart and mind belongs to...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


at last dpt jgk mkn laksa ari ni..
(laksa p.cik yg dkt pasar tu je stakat ni yg sodap kt Gombak ni..^_^)
nak habaq mai, hari ni balun 2 bungkus laksa skali gus..
errk...alhamdulillah kenyang..
masalahnya .....

tersangat-sangat kenyang lak ....^_^

lets talk about another food plak...
makanan hati & jiwa..

lately terasa seperti susah sangat nak buat keputusan...
mula2 xnak g program inspire, yakni KUKINS (knowing U knowing INSPIRE)
pastu teringin sgt nak g Gapoi (kg org asli)...nak rasa mcm mna cara hidup diorg
pastu nak g KUKINS pulak bila Syikin ajak..semalam mcm tensen je dpt mesej ala2 kata dua...compulsory or give reason knapa x join..
at the same time nak g Gapoi...

susahnya nak buat kputusan...
sbenarnya bkn susah nk buat keputusan tetapi susah nak kata 'TAK NAK'...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

pernah rasa tertipu??

benda yg kita sangka susah...bkn kita ja, tp org lain turut mengakui kesukarannya smpai di gelar subject killer..bila kita diberi ilham or hidayah dari Allah utk faham kehendak soalan & kehendak jawapan pon kita akan rasa ragu2..mcm:
"biar btol apa yg aq buat ni??"
"xkan la mcm ni senang je jln kerja dia??"

nmpak x kat situ kita goyah & rasa x yakin dgn diri sendiri...
even dlm group yg 5 6 org pon akan rasa x btol...then we tend to ask or seek for guidence...

if we are given the hint, we tend to admit it without any room of hesistation.....
but when the hint is not on the right way, it make us frustrated...really2 frust!

it same goes to my group exercise for CM today!
i came to the right path, but with no group member also end up with asked madam for help...
at the end, during the discussion, for the correct answer, our earlier thought was correct!
to whom we should blamed?? madam??
no! it back to us..but as usual, it is hard to admit that. really hard! and i'm feel bad..*_* was a good lesson to me & to others..isn't it?? think about it...

this also practical to other sbjek for whatever level you are...spm,stpm,matriculation etc..

add math is easy!
mathematic 2 is easy!
Cost Management?? i cannot say it now...hehehhee...still..u see..^_^

apak kepada abah saya kata:
" jgn kata susah selagi kita x buat benda tu"

susah tu boleh ganti dgn mcm2 cntohnya, takut x sempat.^_^

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Di jalan Allah...
Persahabatan ini bukan milikku & bukan jua milikmu...
persahabatan ini adalah perancangan Allah yg mengetahui segala rahsia...
kerana DIAlah...
aku mengenalimu & kerana DIA juga telah menetapkan kita mengukir 1001 kenangan bersama...
persahabatan ini sudah pasti terisi dgn kasih sayang hanya keranaNYA semata...
moga kekal selamnya hingga ke jannahNYA...

dalam jalinan persahabatan...
kadang-kadang kita diuji dgn perkhianatan seorg teman...
sehingga kita tertunduk menangis & kecewa...
andai kita ikhlas bersahabat...
pasti suatu hari DIA hadiahi kita seorg teman yg akan bisa membuatkan hati bahagia kerana kehadirannya...
bibir tersenyum manismendengar bicaranya...
kekadang tertawa riang dgn gurauannya...
dan bersama mencipta memori indah sbg kenang-kenangan...
di saat rindu menyapa hati...
yang lara & sunyi...

ingatlah, sahabat adalah anugerah yg istimewa dariNYA yg ESA...

(mesej dari ema@matun pd 120809 jam 20:02...lately asyik ulang tengok mesej ni..)

25 feb 2011
berkesempatan jumpa Put Wani yg baru ja smpai m'sia dr mesir...stay kat umah sewa yana... bergerak ke sana ke mari dgn keta kancil musyi...sesat sana sini, gelak ketawa, bertukar cerita, makan sesama(di support oleh JPA scholars yg bermurah hati...moga murah rezeki)... sgt best lah!

07 march 2011
still planning to have one night vacation with my friends during 'long' holiday soon...^_^