=) this is the last semester (insyaAllah) where i had the opportunity to get involved in the University Sport Carnival a.k.a. USC. so lets have a short-story about it..^_^..(moment to be remembered)
- i was participate in 2 games actually but technical error made me just participate in 1 game which is Chess. my first trial nih..! hehhee
- i used to be in the table tennis training and i was there during the game. as usual, the winner went to the MASUM players. MASUM? whats that? MASUM is the inter-uni tournament. so MASUM players = IIUM players la kan...no wonder la kalah kan..but still it was the issued for the past2 years..
- surprisingly, in chess tournament there were big surprised for me. not a MASUM player anymore, BUT MALAYSIA'S PLAYER WAS THERE! haaa..amik ko...tp x berpeluang lawan ngan dia pon...huhuhu...gerun tgk dia main!
- we were the fourth out of ten...so yeeepppyyyy! hehehhee
- ok..done!
p/s: ye, saya x aktif lagi dah...
eh pernah ke aktif sangat2?? x..
so buat pe nk touching2?..entahlah..