Monday, March 26, 2012

28 march 2012 will it be the date??

I wanna share something here with anybody who read my writings....
Just a short remarks....

currently it's 11.56 a.m. :
  • he is going to fetch up his lawyer at the Langkawi International Airport.
  • in the middle of having face-to-face conversation the the person who gonna represent him tomorrow insyaAllah...
tomorrow at 9.00 a.m. :
tomorrow will be the day...will be the time for "case hearing"..hopefully it will run smoothly and hope for the best outcome, insyaAllah... Allah knows best! amin...

Allahumma Yasir Wala Tu'asir,insyaAllah, amin...

ps: i'm home...hehhe...yet to cook,yet to take my sister and brothers from their school (anyway not the time yet ^_^)....what's the point i poiting this out?? nothing...ngeeee *_^

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


(SR 4.2 KENMS, IIUM, 10.00am, 6th March 2012)

D: pernah kerja bawah A tak?
F: tak..kenapa?
D: isshh dia tu...susah lah..
F: apa yang susahnya? dia jenis yang suka 'force' eh?
D: mana tahu? a'ah...semua orang kena ikut cakap dia ja, pandangan orang bukan nak dengar pun..geram betul!

F: bak sini tengok proposal lagi dua bulan ni, awalnya buat proposal...bagus2
D: dia punya pasal la ni...nak hantar hari ni juga...orang banyak kerja ke tak ke bukannya dia peduli. N sampai demam2 sebab nk siapkan proposal lah, homework lah, assignment lah. walhal proposal tu boleh je lambat sikit.
F: oh dia ni effective leader bukan ethical leader. effective leader oriented on get the job done no matter what. they are not a leader actually but a manager. without authority, they are nobody.
D: a'ah

F: hmm...i used to be like that before, i guess. but when i hate working under that kind of person, i try to change my style, be a better person. jangan buat benda yang kita tak suka orang lain buat pada kita. maybe dia tengah belajar untuk jadi lebih baik. tegur2 lah dia.
D: hmm...mungkin lah. nanti nak cakap masa meeting..

...the end...

bye2 effective leader....i want to be an ethical leader! insyaAllah...may Allah guide you and me to be an ethical leader but still productive,insyaAllah amin...

my teammates, bear with me and do correct me! may Allah bless us..^_^