Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Don't Judge a Person by His Physical Appearance Only!

Bila jumpa pelacur tepi jalan, orang akan kata “Eee perempuan kotor ni” Padahal ...kita tak tahu dia telah dijual oleh bapanya ketika umur 10 tahun.

Bila jumpa bekas banduan, orang akan kata “ish penjahat ni. jangan dekat dengan dia” Padahal kita tak tahu dia telah difitnah mengambil rasuah oleh sahabat karibnya sendiri.

Bila jumpa pesakit mental, orang akan kata “orang gila ! jangan kacau aku” Padahal kita tak tahu dia telah didera oleh mak tirinya hingga mengalami trauma berpanjangan.

Bila jumpa lelaki muka hodoh, orang akan kata “euww hodohnya. siapalah nak kahwin dengan kau tu” Padahal kita tak tahu lelaki tu kehilangan ketampanannya akibat melecur dalam usaha menyelamatkan ibunya dalam kebakaran.

sources: facebook...

how i wish i can be all the time 'husnu zhan' with people...somehow i'm yet to be..but i wanna be! i wanna be optimist and help people whose in need with my optimistic values..insyaAllah i'll keep on trying my best..
 lets be a better Muslim than yesterday!

Monday, April 23, 2012

i'm officially lost juz now...
right in the morning, the beginning of the day...

yes, i'm lost...
yup, i was lost..
i lost, i lost myself...
i lost myself because of me, myself...not other people...

what would the feel of lost? was it fun?

definitely, definitely not..

it was totally shameful, regretful, and the real lost..!

i lost today,
i lost because i cannot control myself,
myself cannot control my anger,
my anger was full with 'bisikan syaitan'...

that's why i'm lost...


though i lost and i admit it, tomorrow insyaAllah i will try my best not to allow any 'lost' ever to happen again, insyaAllah..

Oh Allah, do forgive all my sins..easier my way to control my anger..easier my way to become a better person, a better muslimah, a better mukminah, insyaAllah...
amin ya rabbal a'lamin..


p/s: after the lost, it is hard to even say sorry...not because cannot accept the facts but because of the foolishness of myself...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Interest Vs. Hibah

Prof. Kameel," Muslim is at war with Allah because of Riba' actually"

Hal ini kerana, berdasarkan surah al-Baqarah ayat 278 & 279, Allah telah berfirman sekian lama yang bermaksud;

"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Bertakwalah kepada Allah dan tinggalkanlah riba' (yang belum dipungut) jika kamu orang beriman. (278). Jika kamu tidak melaksanakannya, maka umumkanlah perang dari Allah dan Rasul-Nya. Tetapi jika kamu bertaubat, maka kamu berhak atas pokok hartamu. Kamu tidak berbuat zalim (merugikan) dan tidak dizalimi (dirugikan) 279."

Ulasan Prof. Kameel;
-> whatever happen to Muslim nowaday is because we are involve in interest eventhough we are forced to. Based on my research, 100years sebelum kejatuhan khalifah Islam, they were involved in this what we called as interest. I can tell you everything happened to us is because of ourselves.

->That is why we have to struggle enough to correct it back, you have to learn & work hard to understand the conventional practice to counter them back in order to make our Islamic practice being acceptable by those regulators.

-> our paper money (fiat money) was backed by gold up to 1971 only. For the past 30 years, chaos is there around us.

-> Targeting Benchmark (Ex-post) Vs. Demanding Benchmark (Ex-ante). Targeting benchmark (trying very best to achieve benchmark, if not achieve its ok you can work out again) is ok but people nowadays would likely go for demanding benchmark (at the early stage already fixed/guaranteed benchmark) which is not allowed.

-> his suggestion reference book for us to read is " The Problem With Interest" by Tariq Al-Diwani (i do not know how the correct this author name but it's sound like that..^_^)

Ulasan Dr. Azman;
-> aqad terbahagi kepada dua iaitu aqad tabaru'at & aqad muawadah. Aqad tabaru'at dimaafkan gharar padanya tetapi aqad muawadah tidak boleh dimaafkan gharar padanya. (sori dh tak ingat plak contoh Dr.Azman mlm td)

-> Hibah itu sangat indah, yang bermaksud hadiah atau sedekah. Sebagai contohnya, A pinjam duit daripada B RM1000. B tidak menyatakan yang A kena bayar lebih daripada RM1000 kepadanya. tetapi A itu sendiri yang bayar balik lebih dari RM1000 & ini dianggap hibah. Tidak dinyatakan tetapi atas budi bicara pihak yang meminjam.

-> Jika orang yang lebih kaya memberi sesuatu kepada orang yang kurang kaya daripadanya, itu dipanggil sedekah.Sebaliknya, jika orang yang setaraf atau orang yang kurang kaya memberi sesuatu kepada orang yang lebih kaya, ianya dipanggil hadiah. bukan sedekah.

-> currently, Bank Negara mengarahkan semua bank termasuk Bank Islam supaya Mudharabah kena ada Capital Guaranteed which is cannot be make into practice under shariah.

-> Confirm amount of Hibah tak boleh tapi inilah yang dipraktis sekarang. Hibah itu boleh tapi tak boleh disyaratkan (certain) pada awal perjanjian.

-> Ibra' iaitu dua harga dalam 1 kontark tak boleh. Contohnya, kalau bayar balik pinjaman dalam masa 4tahun bayar RM1000 tapi kalau bayar balik dalam 5 tahun bayar RM1400. Ini tak boleh! kena pilih satu saja & dinyatakan dalam kontrak firmly at the beginning of agreement.

-> Tabung Haji tak tertakluk kepada Bank Negara tetapi Bank Islam kena ikot arahan Bank Negara. Bank Negara dh toleransi bnyk dh dgn Bank Islam, tapi kita still perlukan bnyk lg toleransi.

-> Bank Islam masih lg mencuba yang terbaik utk 'islamize' kan sistem kita utk capai sepenuhnya perbankkan Islam.

Overall talk mlm tadi sangat bagus! bnyk manfaat & ilmu yang boleh dijadikan panduan, insyaAllah..^_^

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Mari Merungut 1:

Stress jadi ketua kumpulan...adoi...assignment nak kena hantar minggu depan dok ada 1. Minggu lagi satu ada dua assignment nak kena hantar & aq ada dua exam. Kata nak jadi 'ethical leader' kan, jadinya aq pon mengambil langkah bertanya-tanya (update) la diorg punya kerja. Bila kita tanya , gaya cakap macam dah start buat la kan...dalam hati," jugak jadi ethical learder nih sebabnya tak perlu nak arah-arah orang & pikir apa orang tu kata kat kita kan".

hari ni bila ckp nk jmpa nk siapkan assignment (compile), jadi sebagai seorang 'ethical leader' haruslah toleransi dalam nk menentukan masa & tarikh. bincang punya bincang punya bincang, hujung minggu ni tak boleh...ari isnin mlm nnt baru boleh jumpa.. ok lah kan.. ari khamis hntar assignment, jadi aq pon ckplah kt diorg supaya make sure 100% siap & nnt jmpa compile dan terus proceed dgn lagi 2 assignment 2 yg belum start buat pape report lg.



penat aq trained bt muka plastik (supaya tak tunjuk kt org apa yg kita rasa). boleh agak la mcm mna muka aq td kan...suara pon dh naik satu ank tangga dh...
dgn geramnya aq pon berkata."kalau ni individual assignment, agak2 korang boleh pkir x nk buat mcm mna sendiri??"

seriusly, mari merungut...!!!

Mari Merungut 2:

jadual final exam saya...!
27/5 - Decision Making & Control
28/5 - Investment Analysis
29/5 - Company Law
30/5 - Advance Group Accounting
8/6 - Corporate Finance + Business Ethics

some of you might say, "ok la tu bknnya 1 hari 2 paper pon!"
tapi...tapi...i have to ensure that i'm ok through out the 4 consecutive days. if i'm down for 1 subject, the rest definitely will be affected. oh no...moreover, the first subject is the subject that for sure u wouldn't even have a dream to get A-....sighh...*_*

But still, Alhamdulillah a'la kul lill hal....Allah know the Best!
semoga dipermudahkan,insyaAllah..amin

Mari Merungut 3:

"klmrin kmi bwak footballer dr chelsea, liverpool dgn MU."
"bwa maher zain jgk kli ni. dgn bni dia p london. kn dia ada show d london la ni."

okay, saya sangat jeles dengan kamu....! especially maher zain pnya trip...*_*

p/s: please forgive my bad side...hmmm..emotionally not good..

Saturday, April 14, 2012

How to say this in proper words? hmmm..

I had an outing yesterday with my friends. On the way to go to the bus stand outside the mall, we saw lots of youngsters like us were having 'demo'. People were shocked, especially us, because we didn't know what's going on.

One chinese aunt was asking me, "what is that? memang selalu macam tu ka?".
I just smile and said, "i have no idea too."

There were Malay students, chinese students & Indian students with all those banners. Then only we figured out, it was PTPTN demonctracy! No wonder there were lots of students. Looking at the public reactions, they were not happy with that demo. You can said that they were not happy because they were not in the same shoes like us. But, my dear brothers and sisters, that is not the issue.

You and us are going to be the future leaders of this country, what would you think? Is that the right ways dear? Is that really potray your current status? do you know at which level our country is currently at? do you have full thought before you did that? have you analyze the good and bad for what you requested for? (i'm really sorry if this might hurt you, i'm still ponder how to say this in proper words..sorry again)

I'm sad.
I'm not happy.
I'm not agree with you guys.
sorry again...


bus driver," apa pasal tu?"
we said," ntah la pak cik..."
bus driver," cari duit pon tak pandai lagi dah sibuk nak demo sana-sini!"

we did not say anything and get our seats.

At the Sumayyah Week Stall...having access to facebook...

Miss S said," kenapalah kurang bijak sangat mahasiswa-mahasiswa sekalian. korang tak belajar ekonomi ke? korang sedar tak keadaan sekarang ni..defisit kerajaan Malaysia dah banyak mana?"

She continued, " i'm also a PTPTN holder. Kalau nak mansuhkan caj-caj sampingan PTPTN takpe lah jugak. Ini nak minta belajar secara percuma. Ingat ribu-ribu je ke pelajar universiti kat Malaysia ni. Ramai lah!"


In fact, every IPTA's student are being subsidized by Malaysian government more than 85% out of total education fees. We cannot asked the government to make the tertiary education free for everyone like what government did in the past.

This is my opinion and i'm not saying you have to agree with me. No, you can have your own opinion which may be more reasonable than me. I do not want to hurt anyone. So, that is why i'm still wondering till now, how to deliver my opinion in proper words.

I'm sorry if it hurt you.
Sorry, sorry again.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

mission accomplished!


alhamdulillah (2x)...
semalam merupakan pengalaman kedua berprogram di kampung orang asli; Kg. Ulu Tamu, Batang Kali. one word I can said, "awesome!!" Nice view, nice village, nice kids overall, nice team, nice pranked, & everything nice!

Got to known some of them like Misha,Aishah,Zahra,Mazlin, Kamarul, Daniel, Raziq, Zamani, Izwan, Shahrul & many more...One thing I realized, when we approached them & they felt comfortable, they will share with us everything they wanted to tell. For example, their school life, their daily activities, their friends, their story books, & etc. I was having nice chat with them. love to hear the misha, aishah, shahrul, kamarul, raziq & daniel's story. hehhehe....

deep in my heart, i wish and hope they can excell in their study & life. This is because I'm able and belief that those kids have the potential to be successful. they are different! that's all I can say.

Overall, i was enjoyed with the team and the program. Totally, AWESOME!

---> one of my wishlists of studying in UIAM (went to kg. org. asli) is done! ^_^

Friday, April 6, 2012

H to E to A to R to T


This precious gift i'm having right now does not belong wholly to me right now. I do not have any idea where it goes. But I do hope and wish that it belongs to something good, something that allow it to get the pleasure from Allah.

Oh Allah, the Owner of my heart and soul, keep my heart and soul at the best place and help me to protect and preserve it till the end.

Oh Allah, do strengthen my heart and never allows it to loose faith on You till ever and ever.

Oh Allah, do make my heart a best one and allow me to potray it in my daily life so that I can benefit other fellow humans and Your creatures.

studying DMC somehow i'm not on it..
end up with those reflection..