Tuesday, March 16, 2010


syukur sgt2...alhamdulillah
date: 16 march 2010
day: Selasa
time: around 3.20 p.m.
location: presentation lab A
ari ni last class statistics utk cover chapter 17...
then Dr. Rafia return back our test 2 statistics...
1 by 1 she called the mtrx number...
i'm waiting with full of gelisah...
it's scary as the questions r confusing...
i dont know what my result will b...
this is bcoz b4 we submit our paper, i saw others paper answer were not same with mine..
futhermore during my 4th quiz, i also can't understand what the question want
(previous entry)...
so i'm getting freeze at my sit..
soon lecturer called my number..n then she said,"she got...."
i'm shocked but Alhamdulillah its above my expectation...
Alhamdulillah Ya Allah....
Allah huma solli a'la Muhammad wa a'la ahlihi wasohbihi ajma'in...
Rabbana la tuziq qulubana, bagda izhadaitana, wahablana min ladun karahmah, innaka antal Wahab...amin...
P/S: final exam dh dekat....


  1. u noe what?act it is not just above ur expectation but it is perfect score..gdluck f ur final

  2. nice advise!! gd luck 2 u 2!!^_^
