Monday, November 29, 2010



ha ha ha
apakah fizah sdh bua
ng tebiat???
excited kah 'beliau' dgn sem baru??
oppss second year..huah3
tidak. tidak. & tidak.

sebenarnya saja ja nk share 'hasil' assignment MGT 2010 masa 1st year 1st sem to my lecturer...^_^..ada 3 soalan ke 4 soalan yg nk share ni 1 soalan before the last question.. kena buat kiasan (lbh kurang mcm tu...x engat exact word for that) tntg islamic management..penat menjelajah mencari idea pd mlm nk hntar assignment tu..jelajah compartments dlm bilik cri idea..akhirnya...

**An exam paper has a front page and last page. Students can write whatever
they known but before that they have to learn how to read and write. First teacher teach them to read and second teacher teach them how to write. As time passed by, there are some adjustments on the syllabus according to the needed and that is why there is some new credibility teachers come to explain those syllabuses to the students. Even the teachers are there, students are the one who responsible for their future. Students are free to write the answer in the exam paper. If there are some errors, and they realize it, the errors might be erased with some efforts put on it, depend on the errors. There are two types of errors which are minor and major errors. As time passing by, the paper will come to the last page and the end of the time given. This time, students can only review the paper if they had time but cannot do nothing more than that. It is late. The time to collect the exam paper is right by their side. They can only wait for the result whether they pass or failed. Some people wait peacefully or vice versa. Student who passes the exam will be grateful but failure student will regret.**


Exam paper= our life in this earth.

Front page= akil baligh

Last page= day you die

Read= qur’an

Write= sunnah

First teacher= gibril angle

Second teacher= Prophet Muhammad

New teachers= khulafa’ rasyidin, ulama’

Syllabus=new problem that not state in the Quran and Sunnah

Students= believers

Future= heaven or hell

Errors= sins



Fail= hell

harap dpt membantu kita sesama muslim utk refleks balik diri kita hendaknya, insyaAllah..

p/s: x engat correction lecturer kat yg kat atas tu original copy..

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