"pengalaman x cukup ada hati nak tunjuk bagus dkt kami"-dialog kanak2-
"eh mna korg tau ckup ke x? semua org skali seumur hidup lalui pengalaman tu. pengalaman dh cukup cuma x banyak je !" -dialog aq-
ok2 jgn gadoh2...kalau buat gado2 boleh hantar ke Nusaibah ye! ahaks ^_*.
bercakap ternyata lebih senang berbanding ber'buat'. (bkn ber'buat-buat' ye...sila faham di situ. kalu nk timpuh or baring utk faham pon boleh. go head..^_^) kita boleh memberi nasihat, motivasi, menyabarkan org lain. walaupon bkn mudah sgt tp boleh...kan?? but, when it comes to ourselves..no words can described how tough it is. after sometime, maybe we are able to rational again but believe me, in some conditions sometime our heart is not fully accept it..isn't it?? that is not becoz you are not 'redha' with the 'qada' & qadar' but it comes naturally...mgkin sbb 'bisikan halus' yg sering menganggu-gugat...
that is the real incident happened to me yesterday. so how about you, guys??
ouch..what exactly happen?seem i lost the story?
ReplyDeletemiss u la..sem ni xde langsung kelas sme;(
nothing much happened...juz small thing but the 'setan' tried make it big..huhuhu...lgsung kan kita x sama class...apa nk buat..