inilah perkataan yg paling mengetuk pintu hatiku semalam.
lots of thank you to 'that girl' who remind me of that..alhamdulillah
at first, i was shocked! what did she really mean about that?
it make me thinks about that for the whole night..really whole night!..belief me!
am i not really 'bersyukur'?
inilah perkataan yg paling mengetuk pintu hatiku semalam.
lots of thank you to 'that girl' who remind me of that..alhamdulillah
at first, i was shocked! what did she really mean about that?
it make me thinks about that for the whole night..really whole night!..belief me!
am i not really 'bersyukur'?

terbaca artikel masa 2, buat pilihan dahulu, kemudian baru ber'tawakkal & isthikarah minta Allah tnjukkan btol atau tdak pilihan kita...alhamdulillah, ditetapkan hati...

patotnya bersyukurlah...Allah dh bg ruang utk cuti lama & stay dekat umah..
boleh tolong2 mak & abah...berbakti la skit...
kita xtau smpai bila they will be with us in this earth..
at the same time, try jgk cari least dpt cover duit yuran sem depan kan..
mak ckp duduk umah je lah kak long...buat kuih hntar kat kedai, pagi & petang...bersih ja dpt untung..
terkejut dgn statement mak sbenarnya..huhuhuhu
mak suruh ikut sunnah nabi...berniaga...ngee...^_^
dapat untung dapat rezeki dapat pahala..insyaAllah..we will see about that soon!
moral of the story: thanks to her who really knock my heart&mind...bersyukurlah dpt cuti lama! kena extent ke tak, tawakkal lah kpd Allah...
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